Where is the horizon?
Where has it gone?
My ocean used to be water
Water, water and more water
Till as far as the eyes could see
The lord of day and night,
The horizon would dictate,
Where and when the sun would sink into darkness
In my part of the world
Where the sun would rise
On the other side of the world,
Till beyond the end of the world,
Where blue skies
Would touch the waters
And clouds,
Fuzzy and plain alike
Would meet the seas
I would sit on my sands
And revel in my ocean
And thrill in the vastness
Which seemed to go on forever
And ever and ever and ever
Hours and hours of fascinating dreams
And days on end,
Dreamily imagining,
Thinking, creating worlds,
lands and people and creatures beyond that line
They called the horizon
I look for the horizon,
But it is gone
Seemingly overtaken,
Unfamiliar and jarring,
Cruise and cargo,
Patrol and fishing
Humongous numbers
Varied shapes and sizes
Spanning the width and the breadth
Of this island’s oceans
And casting their silhouettes,
On my once free waters.
My endless oceans
Are now ended
The world has been mapped,
Trade overtakes it
Money is made,
My sea is lost
What use is the sand to me now?
Why do I still sit here
And watch the “horizon”?
Do I still believe
That someday
I will see my oceans again?
Do I still believe,
That these waters will be mine again?
Do I still believe,
That the horizon
In all its beauty,
Its mystery and magic,
Will be uncovered once more?
-------Shreyasi M
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